I get to sleep on the bottom. Because I chose to. Despite what my siblings say. They like to insist I'm afraid of heights, which I'm not, really. I just prefer the idea of having my own little cave thing than to climbing up a ladder, banging my head on the cieling and then having to climb back down. I hung a sheet from the side so it was like my own little room sort of. The only thing is I cant stretch out and hang my feet over the bed like I usually do because theres a rail there now. I'm trying to figure out what I want to put on my beautiful clean blue walls. Both by my bed and on the opposite wall.
My pillow just happens to match my wall and my sheets almost perfectly. imagine that.
we put some stickers on the wall by sarah's bed so that I can get out of putting princess boarder on my walls. it sort of kind of ish goes with the whole retro-y idea. flower power and all that xD
I guess that isnt retro, along with Queen and Pink Floyd. I have no idea what to call it. Um... older? x3 Im not sure. PEACE, LOVE AND ROCK & ROLL, MAN. ;)
Thats what I'll call it. lol. I'll get some tie-dye sheets and stuff. I'll get a "peace love and rock & roll" sign and hang it on my door :) get some lava lamps up in hurr. I'll be pimpin, yo. :D
Unfortunately for someone like me who has this issue with having my own space, everyone else seems to think they can come in here and do whatever they want, whenever they want. Having all four of my siblings running around my room screaming and making lots of noise really makes me mad. So since my desk is right by the door I yell at them whenever they try to come in :P
And Sarah has gotten the idea in her head that she is so awesome, the room belongs to her and she's just nice enough to let me sleep in it. Pshh.