Friday, July 18, 2008

We're Getting Down Till The Sun's Coming Up

Yesterday was Warped Tour. I was really excited and couldn't stop talking about it x3 I'm sure I annoyed a few people. lol.
I packed a bag x3 I had a jacket, sunscreen, food, water, gatorade, stuff to sign, a phone, a camera... by the time I was ready to go that bag was kind of heavy x3 My mom dropped me off at my cousin's house and she drove me to her friend's house and she drove us downtown to the Time Warner Cable Amphitheater. We parked a couple blocks away and walked. it wasn't too terribly far.

We got there and I kind of expected the bag-checker people to actually look through my stuff but they just openned it up and didnt even touch anything and they said I was good. Soo... I could have stuck my camera under all my crap, and brought it anyways xD or something. lol. But I'm not complaining x3

We got there and we missed one of The Academy Is songs but we got to see the rest. Unfortunately they played into Cobra Starship time and I didnt get to see them. =[
TAI was great like always. I love them ^_^
We saw a band called The Audition. I'd only heard one song from them before but they were really good, i liked them. They had a smaller stage and a smaller crowd so we could get pretty close.

I also got to meet the lead singer, Danny, he was pretty cool.
And I got to meet Family Force 5. They were funny.

We also saw, in no particular order, Anberlin, We The Kings, Katy Perry, some of Reel Big Fish, The Bronx, I sat down and just listened to Jack's Mannequin. There might have been more but I cant remember x3 Long day. lol. I did get to meet the drummer from The Academy Is -- The Butcher. He didnt look too thrilled that I had spotted him but in case you couldnt tell by my stupid grin, I was kind of excited to meet him.

I *saw* Jack the Camera Guy TWICE but either he was busy or I was busy and I didnt get to talk to him. But I stared at him xD

Anberlin was awesome, I was a little surprised. We the Kings was also really good but the crowd surfing got a little crazy. It was kind of scary to all of a sudden have this giant person on top of you... so I had to watch out for crowd surfers xD Katy Perry was kind of boring. by then we were all ready to go and her lyrics were kind of stupid. Reel Big Fish was hilarious. I loved them xD All of a sudden they started singing Metallica and the guy was like "I just made that up!" x3 The Bronx was boring and stupid. We couldnt understand a single thing the guy said and they all looked like they were stoned or something xD Maybe they were, who knows? Jack's Mannequin was also good.

It was HOT outside! Luckily I came prepared ;D I must've had like 90 ounces of liquid between the giant water bottle, the giant bottle of gatorade, and then i *refilled* my water bottle. Then I sweated it all out again x3 gross. lol. Everyone was pretty smelly and gross by the end of the day though, obviously.

I got two shirts. A Cobra Starship T-shirt with their gang sign on the front of it and on the back it says "Fangs Up Cobra Starship" its cool. C:
I also got a Vans Warped Tour shirt, its black and kind of like half tank top kind of thing.
Then I got a cd for $5. Its actually two cds with a song from 50 of the bands from warped tour.

Sooo yeah. It was pretty cool. I wish I would've had the energy to go see all the other bands I wanted to see d: and I missed the signing of some bands I wanted to meet too but there was four other people who went with me and so I just followed them around xD

But yeah, it was a lot of fun. Next year I need to figure out a different bag strategy. I might just take a back pack or something. Some people did... But yeah. Now Im tired because i was out in the sun all day yesterday (but was smart enough to wear sunscreen so im not red as a tomato ;D) and i couldnt sleep very well. But i had a lot of fun. OH AND I got Gabe Saporta's cell phone number because i took them food x3 But unfortunately I didnt get to meet Gabe.