Monday, August 25, 2008

ah, the smell of servers crashing in the morning

the first couple days, if not the first week, of school are always like walking around in the dark. we have no idea whats going on, i dont even have supplies yet, but school has started. It's kind of awkward at first because there's nothing to do if you dont have your books and stuff, but within the next two weeks it picks up and in the first month you start to adjust to it all and you're off to the races.

Except you have to survive the first day first. I had a class at nine o clock. Someone had the genius idea to put a thousand kids in one online class room. pfft. Even *I* know thats a bad idea. So they had some technical difficulties and an hour has passed and they just gave up and said come back at one. Which was when I had another class to do but I guess they're just changing everything. I dont know. And now I cant do anything because I cant log in to the website and I dont have books. So now what?