Friday, August 15, 2008

Back To School

School starts next week. That means its back to school picnic time. Last year it was a dud and I was especially crabby because I had pretty good chances (or so i thought) of getting My Chemical Romance/Linkin Park tickets and instead of entering the drawing I had to go to the stupid school picnic. but i didnt know anybody and nobody talked to me so I was miserable. Like the whole time.

This year it was starting out the same. We had to talk to all the kindergarten and third grade teachers first and their job is to talk to little kids, so, they always seem so happy and talk in squeaky voices. And they talk to everyone like that. All the time. I found one of my favorite teachers from last year. He was a substitute but I really liked him. He communicated more than the other teachers and he was funny and really nice. And the class was small, so I thought he would remember me. I walked over to him and introduced myself. He didnt even let me finish my sentence he's just like "OH HI ITS SO NICE TO MEET YOU" and he said something about my camera or whatever. Then he goes "So are you excited about high school?" And I was really confused and I'm like "yeah...?" and he was busy showing some little kid how to make shapes with tooth picks so I walked away, and it hit me. He teaches eighth grade science. He thought I was an eighth grader. So, after that I was really disappointed and expected that no one would remember me. Fortunately the only teacher there that I had who didn't recognize me was my math teacher, who I hated.

I was surprised when people actually remembered me, obviously. I talked to my ex-Biology teacher who is really cool. He grew a mustache and a beard and I didnt even recognize him. But he looks like some kind of evil genius it was pretty awesome xD He was all excited I went to talk to him because none of his other students were there . While I was talking to him my ex-English teacher came up and started talking about Journalism class she wanted to start. Thats when I told her I wasn't in OHDELA anymore x3

So I talked to my Biology teacher for a little longer before I went to find my mom. Then I ran into one of the teachers from the D.C. trip and he was all excited to see me. He's a pretty cool guy. So we were talking about photography and stuff and my Academic Advisor came over to talk to me too. So the other teacher said something about classes and I said I was going to a different school now. He said "Its a good thing I'm wearing these sunglasses because I have tears!" x3 It was kind of funny. My mom explained it was between PSEA money and photography class and I had to go with photography class. Thats when they said they always wanted to start photography classes and have more electives. Well thats a great idea. I suggested a photography club last year and my academic advisor never said anything. But I only have two more years of school left, I can't sit around and wait for them to get their act together so I had to find something better. The teacher from the D.C. trip said maybe they'd get some stuff together and next year I could go back to them. I just kind of laughed.

So we ate food and then I went to play softball with our friends. We didnt have enough people to actually play soft ball but we hit the ball around and chased after it. It was pretty fun. I actually did hit the ball most of the time xD Which was a surprise since I havent played since I was like 10.

After that we played Apples to Apples with some of the teachers and then went to the "beach" part of the park. I didnt feel like swimming so I played some putt-putt with my friend for a while. That was... interesting xD we pretty much failed at putt-putt but it was fun anyways. Then we sat around for a while, waiting for my siblings to finally get out of the water. By the end of the day I was really tired and a little crabby but not nearly as disapointed as last year.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you had a nice time.
At least it wasn't a bummer.

Have fun with school!!