Sunday, October 26, 2008

I'm not dead...

Lol, no I am not...
I was gone for four days on a home school retreat at the seminary in Fort Wayne
Originally my whole family was going to go but there was a change of plans and we werent going to go, I was pretty disappointed. But a family we know offered to take me and I got to go after all. :]

It was really nice and I had a lot of fun. The first night we were there we all went out for dinner at a place called Mad Anthony's. I had the most amazing pizza ever, got to meet "ME" (?) from Uvulapie's Girl, and made some new friends. It was a lot of fun and i had way too much Dr. Pepper. xD I was so hyper that night.

ANYWAYS, there were a few classes we were able to go to. I went to one about altar guild stuff and we also went to one about liturgy. On Friday, a missionary from Kenya who was getting a degree at the seminary, came to talk to us and that was pretty cool. On top of all that we had chapel services, yummy food, a LOT of Apples to Apples, xD and it was a lot fun. Friday there was even the "sort of annual" talent show. :]

I was originally going to leave Friday after dinner but there was a change of plans and I ended up getting to stay until Saturday morning. :D Thanks to Presbytera who felt like winding down instead of going out, I got to go to a Baroque music concert Friday night, which was rather nice.

SO HERES SOME PICTURES :D they looked better when they were bigger but oh well.

The doors and the inside of the chapel/sanctuary

Inside, dun dun DUN

At Redeemer, it was soooooo nice there.

Sunrise at the seminary

Night time at the seminary :]
it was so cold xD

We were all so tired by the end xD but it was so much fun

Aaaaand. Thats it as far as excitement goes, lol xD


Melynda said...

Aw, I got a plug!

It was great to see you!

Emily said...

lol, yeah x3

you too :]