If you would like to read my novel you can go here:
Its probably not very well written, the plot is lame and cliche, xD
The characters are probably underdeveloped and its just a draft.
But I just started randomly writing something on November 1st and just kept at it until I had reached the goal of 50,000 words.
It was loosely based off of traditional fairy tales/folk tales or whatever. loosely.
At the end I got a little desperate for words and had to change the originally planned ending completely.
Some of the characters are VERY loosely based on people I know, songs, characters from books or movies, and things like that. Others I just randomly made up because I needed the words. xD
So yeah, I guess I'm just saying, I don't want you to think I went insane last month. Don't think I'm a modern day Cinderella or that I have a horrible view on life and I'm miserable, xD This novel isn't me. Its just a work of my imagination or desperation to get to 50k, or both xD Imageration? Despination? :P Either way, yeah... lol. Its just a story :]
Now that I got that out of the way, read it and let me know what you think ^_^ I can handle it, lol
Edward is based off of me, isn't he? Don't deny it. Everybody can see.
*off to name a character "Despination," or probably just "Despinatio"*
I know coming from your parent doesn't mean as much....you see i would tell you it was good no matter what....But it really was good!!
I only wish you father would get over his fear of vampires and read you novel!! :oP
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