Wednesday, February 06, 2008

"I'm more of a jeans and t-shirt kind of girl"

These are my favorite pair of jeans. I got them for free and I looked them up the other day on their website. They were $50, so i got a good deal. ;) Anyways, they're Dollhouse jeans, and I had never heard of the brand before but I like them a lot. Hence them being my favorite. And they SAY that they're a size three but I honestly don't believe that seeing as I'm a 6-8 depending on the style.

I like the color and the fit, (you have no idea how hard this was with a telephoto lens xD but if somebody hadn't dropped her old one .... d:)

I like the little crossing belt loops x3

The studded leather brand thingy on the back and the embroidery on the back pockets,

And this is my favorite part :P

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