Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Year 15

“Year 15” as I’ve been calling it was chock full of some awesome stuff. So I decided to look back on all those awesome things to set the standards for year 16. :P Since that starts TOMMOROW. ;)

Last year for my birthday, my favorite radio DJ (Glenn the Funny Song Man) gave me a shout out and they all sang happy birthday to me on the radio. I had my best friend over. Then it started SNOWING and we had about 2 feet of snow and she was stuck at our house for a few days. That was kind of fun.

In February I started noticing how ugly my hair was :P

So I chopped it off.

I got to go to the radio station at the beginning of march and be on the radio. It was a lot of fun.

I had red hair in march! Inspired by Gina Glocksen from American Idol. Unfortunately it all washed out within a few months but it was awesome while it lasted.

Sporting the new red do I went out on a limb and entered a contest to meet the band Daughtry! I worked really hard on it ALL day!

It was exciting and nerve racking. I lost sleep for crying out loud!

I WON. For the first time in my life I really won something worth winning! And I got my first autograph from someone really famous!

I learned that celebrities aren’t always as great as I think they are. But I got over it after awhile.

A week later I made a resolution to come out of my "shy box" and I'm still working on it. :P

In May my dad won tickets to the coolest concert ever. My first rock concert! It was fun and I was introduced to my new favorite bands for the first time: The Academy Is and Cobra Starship.

And it turned into the biggest last minute scheme in the history of last minute schemes. My friend from Indiana came to my house with just a morning’s notice! And we went to the concert together. She ended up staying almost a whole week.

Fell in love with Gabe saporta’s purple hoodie and William Beckett’s crazy moves (and tight pants)

Spent my record high on a t-shirt. :P $25. but I couldnt NOT go to an awesome concert and leave without a t-shirt.
Got to meet the Budweiser Clydesdales later that week!

Foreshadowing? At the end of May I heard about the Nikon D40.

Mid-June I started volunteering at the nature center.

Went to my first Indian Pow Wow, it was kinda neat actually. A fun experience.

Near the end of June I became a Voyageur for a day! Also a fun experience. Thanks to the Nature center, since I was a volunteer I got in for free.

Also at the end of June, I went camping for the first time. Also thanks to the Nature Center.

Continuing on my mission to get out of my shy box, I applied for a job at the Cleveland Orchestra. And I got it! First job ever.

Went to a gig for Mr. Quipper’s cover band and met his brother (who is in a real band) and his girlfriend (now fiancé) who got to meet Jack Bauer. They were really nice.

Early July I was inspired by the The Academy Is’s photographer to be a band photographer for a living. So thats on the list of possible careers now :P

Later that week I entered in an ice cream eating contest where I was the only girl! I was in first for a while but fell behind and came up second.

Two days later I began my Orthodontia Adventure!!

Later I discovered my new favorite band, The Academy Is was coming to Cleveland!! $20 for tickets! Having crossed over to the dark side at Honda Civic Tour, I concocted a plan to go.

Mid July I was still not happy with my hair and so I took a risk (for me anyways) and chopped it all off!

And I’ve had it short ever since.

Apparently I’ve never taken off the Fall Out Boy t-shirt either. ;)

Mid July I went to my first Harry Potter gathering thingy… And stayed up until 2 am, the whole nine yards!

Was re-introduced to the Nikon D40 and decided it was what I wanted to spend all my money on.

A few weeks on the job I was slowly starting to lose my mind.
At work I was also mistaken for a guy for the first time, that was rather funny.

Mid August I took the test to get my driver’s permit. Failed. Ten days later I went back and passed! I drove for the first time and was pretty petrified but its not so bad. Most of the time. ;)

Early September we learned that we were all going to Vegas!! Thanks to my dad’s new job, they were sending him to a conference there and we were allowed to go along too!

The money was burning a hole in my pocket so I bought the Nikon d40.

near the end of September I spent the weekend at a friend’s house. Her dad is a firefighter and they were doing this practice thing. So I got to pretend like I was a victim of a car crash/radioactive materials. It was AWESOME.

VERY LAST DAY OF SEPTEMBER I BROKE MY CAMERA LENS. And a little piece of me died inside.

At the beginning of October I went to an Open House for school, met my teachers and got to dissect a pig! W00t. I also decided to join ski club.

WENT ON VACATION November 1-12th. Amazing. Best vacation ever. Lets do it again.

Mid-November I went to an awesome concert. Cobra Starship had joined the crew and so it was even more awesome! I almost passed out, which is probably bad xD but it was still fun. I got to meet three guys from Cobra Starship so that was amazing. I got their autographs and pictures taken with them.

What?! I actually made a decision in a reasonable amount of time and got this cute dress for Christmas.

Early January we went for an impromptu appointment at the eye doctor’s. I got rid of my old ones that I’ve had for over 3 years now and got a modern, bold, cute new pair.

Later in January I got my braces on!

And we started Snowboarding! Its so much fun C:

So that’s about it for the excitement of year 15. But this April Im going to washing D.C. with my school, and this summer I’m going to Scranton PA for a conference. So we’ll see how year 16 goes :P


Scott said...

I'm very glad you enjoyed the last year.

However.. If you're going to look at them this way, you are actually starting "Year 17."


Year one would have been the year before you turned one. Get it?

Hope you enjoy this year too!

Brian said...

I remember My 16th birthday. I got the book House by Frank Peretti. So I read that all day. Then I got to help clean house, cause the next day my aunt and uncle were coming over. Also my sister's birthday is the day after mine so we also prepared for that.

Emily said...

Thats a good point. I didnt think of that x3

Lol, cleaning is always a fun way to spend your birthday :P

Emily Rose said...

Happy Birthday, Emily!

Marie N. said...

Happy birthday!