Well okay, maybe not.
I thought aaaall of my eclipse pictures turned out horrible. And they did. Except for this one. I was shocked, lol. Because I can NEVER take decent pictures of the moon. But this turned out pretty good. Unfortunately my battery died so i didnt go back out later when more of the moon was red like that.
I went to the orthodontist today. I got a bigger wire on my top teeth so my teeth are a little sore. And apparently they were planning on "digging out" my adult tooth that has been hiding. Fortunately for me, it just barely started showing so they don't have to dig it out. They just have to pull the baby tooth. This adult tooth is apparently in a funny spot, almost on the roof of my mouth. My orthodontist compared fixing it to parallel parking a semi-truck. That sounds like fun. Oh and I got light blue bands today.
In venturing news, I thought we finally had a crew off the ground. Apparently not. The guy keeps encouraging me to talk to "all my friends" but I don't think he really gets it... at all. Then he had to torture me and tell me about this Venturing get-together thing in April where crews from all over get together, its Vegas themed and they have dances and games and stuff. I was writhing on the floor begging him to stop talking. lol. And he thought I was 14. That was mildly annoying.
So I might not ever get a venturing crew started. But I'm "more than welcome to join the boyscouts on their outings." Yay?
Im hungry. Again. So i'm gonna go get some soup or something...
Excellent picture!
At least you could see the moon. We had major cloud cover so we couldn't even see it turn red.
lol, thank you.
that stinks B. luckily there were NO clouds out here in Ohio.
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