Sunday, January 17, 2010

crazy little thing called love

This past week has been freakin' insane! All week, I've gone straight from school to gymnastics for two hours, then back to school for play practice for two hours and finally back home. Except Thursday when i stayed at school an extra hour for a financial aid presentation and theennn had to go to Pat Catans to get some stuff. I was dead tired by the weeks' end, haha.

Gymnastics has been pretty decent. We didn't have a team to compete against so the other new kids and I had to compete on the balance beam. It was pretty bad, haha. I didn't think I'd be "competing" at all so this week was kind of a panic, trying to get it down and dreading the meet on Saturday. I wasn't ready, and I really didn't want to do it, but I did anyways. I was so nervous I messed up my mount and then i was shaking really badly. I fell off twice and then my dismount sucked. After it was over I got that brief moment where I got so worked up my chest kind of constricted and I couldn't breathe for a couple seconds. Buuut other than that, it went well. Because I wasnt competing in anything else thank goodness! haha.

Play practice has been super fun. Its one of the best parts of my day actually. - that and seventh period choir. :P We're doing Godspell and at first I was a little reluctant because it seemed weird and I'm a member of The Company, meaning I'm kind of like an extra I guess. Then we started working on it and its really fun. Im looking forward to watching it come together :] We only have a month and a half but at the rate we're going Im not too terribly worried.

Im happy we have tomorrow off school :] Im not excited about midterms, and i havent really studied for anything but geometry yet. :[ Maybe Im just being paranoid but im afraid im going to do badly and hurt my grades. I got honor roll last quarter and thats something id like to keep up, haha.

Did I mention Im student of the month? :]

In other news, college is being as obnoxiously stressful as ever. I dont know what Im going to do, and im kinda freaking out. Just when I think i know what I want, someone says something and i become unsure again. Its obnoxious. To add to everyting, my dad said he couldn't find very many colleges in Ohio where I could get a Bachelors degree in photography. One of them was the school downtown I went to last week for the Scholastics Art Competition display. Thats probably the closest one but the drive isnt a pleasant one and its a sketchy part of down town and it wouldnt be very enjoyable to be there. haha.
SO I DONT KNOW. T_T I wish there was a magic button i could press that would make it all better.
One day I'll get over it. haha


Maggie said...

Do you want a Staples "That Was Easy" button?

Šørën Kïêrkêgåårð said...

I want one of those.

Emily said...

yes please -_-